Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sensational Censorship : The Golden Compass

On Sun, Dec 9, 2007, said:

I've read the series. Hated them all the while because I simply hate FANTASY.
My Fantasy readers love this stuff . . . These books are simply ANTI-ORGANIZED MAN-MADE RELIGION . . .

NOT ANTI-GOD as suggested by the censors.

In the books, there are alot of references to dust which I thought rather interesting. The people that die go to a type of HADES (greek mythology - includes the river Styx). Lyra the protagonist is trying to save the dead from completely vanishing into dust . . . Thus, there is actually a resurrection hope !!!! No wonder the world is so against these books. Noone wants to believe in a resurrection. It seems most folks like to think they are going up in the sky, in heaven.

Lyra determined to save a friend, is on a mission TO SAVE THE "WORLD" from the HORRIBLY greedy folks (including her own PARENTS). Masterminds of destruction - the horribly greedy folk are trying to SAVE an INSTITUTION, representing that of an archaic Catholic Church. In order to do so, they kidnap young children and keep them in an orphanage until they can capture the power of their young souls. They have a machine that steals the life force from young children, turning these kids into zombies.

We have a signed copy of the first book in this series. I didn't realize a movie was going to make this book so VALUABLE !!!!!

> Your Librarian Friend
> I received this mass-email from some rather conservative folk
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Some rather conservative folk
> Library Girl
> Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 2:07 PM
> Subject: FW: Golden Compass
> IMPORTANT! Please share this with
> your family and friends.
> 'The Golden Compass' movie is set to
> premier on December 7, during the
> Christmas season, and will probably be
> heavily advertised. This movie is
> based on a the first book of a trilogy by
> atheist Philip Pullman. In the
> final book a boy and girl kill God so they
> can do as they please.

> Pullman left little doubt about his intentions when he
> said in a 2003
> interview that 'My books are about killing God.'
> The movie is a watered down version of the first book and is designed to
> be very attractive in the hope unsuspecting parents will take their
> children to see the movie and that the children will want the books for
> Christmas.
> The movie has a well known cast, including Nicole Kidman, Kevin Bacon,
> and Sam Elliott. It will probably be advertised extensively, so it is
> crucial that we get the word out to warn parents to avoid this movie.
> Please consider a boycott of the movie and the books. Also, pass this
> information along to everyone you know. This will help to educate
> parents, so that they will know the agenda of the movie.
> You can research this for yourself. You might find the
> following article from interesting:
> Here's MORE DETAILS...
> The movie has been described as 'atheism for kids'
> and is based on the first book of a trilogy entitled 'His Dark Materials'
> that was written by Phillip Pullman. Pullman is a militant atheist and
> secular humanist who despises C. S. Lewis and the 'Chronicles of Narnia.'
> His motivation for writing this trilogy was specifically to counteract
> Lewis' symbolisms of Christ that are portrayed in the Narnia
> series.
> Clearly, Pullman's main objective is to bash Christianity and
> promote atheism. Pullman left little doubt about his intentions when he said
> in a 2003 interview that 'my books are about killing God.' He has even
> stated that he wants to 'kill God in the minds of children.' It has
> been sai d of Pullman that he is 'the writer the atheists would be
> praying for, if atheists prayed.'
> This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow
> weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right
> of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it.'


sen•sa•tion (noun)

1. A perception associated with stimulation of a sense organ or with a specific body condition
2. The faculty to feel or perceive; physical sensibility: c. An indefinite generalized body feeling
3. A state of heightened interest or emotion.
4. A state of intense public interest and excitement:
5. A cause of such interest and excitement.

sen•sa•tion•al•ism (noun)

1. The use of sensational matter or methods, especially in writing, journalism, or politics.
2. Sensational subject matter.
3. Interest in or the effect of sensational subject matter.